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Milli-rose & Rain singing in the park 2017

Josephine Gillan at a Comicon event answering questions on life on the set of Game of Thrones
Articles in Mail on Sunday/The Sun & Belle Magazine

Josephine Raises Money for Chidren in Need
Brought up in Foster Care & groomed for a life of sex Josephine has survived to have a career in television and use her story to help others. A surprise element for the Children in need appeal is being developed so watch this space for updates as it will be televised . . . .
If you look closely at this photo it can be seen on the orange part of the banner an offer of 50K per annum for each child

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The Sun Newspaer reported
Mill in Hairspray & entertaining in a Jazz club created at Elstree studios Video coming soon

She said: '''Game Of Thrones' saved my life. I couldn't have gone on for much longer. I was addicted to cocaine and to keep the supply I needed I had to sell my body three or four times a week. I was earning thousands of pounds a time for sleeping with wealthy punters. I was filming porn during the day as Sophie O'Brien, my alias, with a Twitter following of 8,000 fans, and turning tricks with men from 18 to 80 at night for anything from £200. Most punters couldn't even have sex. They were either too drunk or just couldn't get it up.She added to The Sun newspaper: '''Game Of Thrones' is like one big happy family. From the minute I first joined in 2011 they made me feel so welcome.''When I turned up in Belfast for my first shoot I was immediately invited to join them all at an Eminem concert. I was partying with Alfie Allen (who plays Theon Greyjoy) and Esme Bianco (Ros). But I was a good girl and went back to the hotel early. I knew I had to scream for that opening sex scene and I was worried about losing my voice.'' When asked what the future holds, josephine said I have two films ahead and both completely different, really challenging. One is 'Indifference' where I play a female gang member and the other is 'Mikvah' about 'Bloody Jews' as in Orthodox Jews & how the women have prepare for sex after menstruating. Its about desire, female lust but in an ideological context is complex so its a great challenge for me. Also I hope to survive another season of Game of Thrones of course.